Classy or Trashy?

In the olden times, the line between good taste and bad taste is drawn in the most eloquent way possible. This means that you are either on one side or the other when it comes to even the simplest of choices, whether it is in the way you dress or the type of meat you select for your barbecue.

Today, the choices are more democratic, and with this the opinion becomes a free-for-all. We aren't bound by whatever others say with regards to our decisions. However, despite the very fine line between classy and trashy, people mistake one for the other.

First, some guys think pointy shoes make one fashionable. Unlike the awkward-looking square toed shoes, this type seems to be a better choice, right? Wrong. These pointy little shoes are, well, rubbish.

Some people think they are better at some things than others. So naturally, these people tend to talk down to these guys, whether it's their co-workers, some common folk or even their poor cousins. If you think you are out-smarting and out-classing someone else by putting them down, then you are a fool. Not only that, but you are also a certified idiot.

Don't get us guys wrong. We like flirting with women, especially if they are as hot as the north London escorts. It exercises and flexes our knowledge when it comes to interaction and attraction to the opposite sex. However, we like to do things on our own terms, meaning, do not try to over-flirt. We are supposed to always make the first move, and while we sometimes let that one slip, the fact that you seem to be all over the dude you just met less than 30 minutes ago, is definitely a turn-off. Definitely trashy.

Guys don't be fooled by pick-up lines. Pick-up lines are like kissing scenes at the end of movies. They only work on, well, movies. If you think this kind of rubbish is the best way to earn your way to a lady friend's heart, then you need to stop watching Will Smith flicks. Get real. I'm no lady, but I know for a fact that women love guys who are REAL. So, next time, leave your notebook at home and just BE YOURSELF. Otherwise, that stuff is trashy.

You think being 21st century is classy? If by this, you mean saying "bro" or fist-pumping at the club, then put down the "Hitch" DVD and, instead, learn from the Anthony Hopkins Old-skool School of Real Gentlemen. Yes, the gentlemen are still the classiest dudes in the club, regardless of age.