Confidentiality in a relationship

How much of your relationship do you disclose to your friends, family or London escort? Are these things worth mentioning to persons on the outside or are they meant to be confidential? Not everything that your girl speaks to you about is open for everyone’s ears. Just because she did not say it was confidential doesn’t mean that it isn’t. Before you open your mouth to speak think, if it was you would you want others to know that about you?

I remember some years ago when I told my spouse something that was meant to be confidential. At the time we were living with in-laws and as soon as I told him what my family was going through my spouse decided to spread the news. As soon as my mother in law saw she decided to speak with me about it. Not only was I totally embarrassed I was angry at the fact that my spouse believed it was ok to tell others information that pertained to me and family. This was not the only occasion that this happen on and eventually I stopped communicating on that level.

As much as you think it is your information to share it isn’t because when your girl finds out what you did she would not only feel embarrassed but there would be tension between the both or you and who could blame her?

Simple situations such as that could break the trust in any relationship and if it happens long enough the relationship eventually ends. What this all boils down to is respecting the other. Whether or not you think its ok for you to give the information is not the point. Allow your girl to be the one to spread the news if she wants.

Confidentiality is a grave part of any relationship because you share your deepest fantasies and dreams with someone. These are things that you have never told anyone and the fact that you or your girl could break that honesty and that trust that took so long to build hampers the relationship.

Understanding what could be said outside of your relationship to others is not anything scientific. It just means that you need to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. If you are unsure whether or not the person wants the information passed on then ask a question.

When trust is broken in a relationship sometimes it is never totally healed especially if it involves a London escort.