Foreign London Based Escort Agencies - The Bad News.

Having trawled through many of the London escorts agency websites, it becomes very apparent, may I hasten to add, very quickly, which agencies are predominantly owned by non English proprietors. Simple indicators jump off of the page at you virtually immediately, poor grammatical structure, and incorrect pronunciation in spite of having the modern wonders of that most useful of tools, word processing software.The inability to spell the simplest of words correctly becomes a frustrating and bewildering phenomenon. Ah I hear you gasp! What about the dreaded American Spell checker? What about it? These so called business guru’s might as well use a mandarin Chinese spell checker! They all appear to be totally and absolutely clueless with the use of modern technology and moreover the English Language to sell themselves as a company, and there you have what can only be described as dubious London escorts.

Which leads me to another wondrous point, if these high flying, high profile companies cannot get the advertising of their businesses right, what chance do you have as a discerning and prestigious client of receiving the girl of you dreams, at the correct time and most importantly the correct location? The most important question would also have to be - do I trust this company?

Our business must be operated on a two way trustworthiness principle. You as a client, request a premium service to include one of our stunning, unique and actual London escorts, we as a provider, deliver that service to extremely high standards. With the added bonus of a guarantee to ensure your enjoyment and most importantly anonymity. This then bodes the question, can you, as a prestigious customer of our industry, trust a company that cannot be bothered to provide a front of house presentation that is far from true, honest and legible? You must ask yourselves, are you going to receive the promise of a unique and premium service, as portrayed on the website, or like these websites a disjointed and potentially misrepresented service, which may or may not turn up? I fear Russian Roulette would give you a better chance of success!

We as London’s most prestigious London escort agency can and will deliver what we promise on our website. We pride ourselves on delivering a second to none service guaranteeing you a fast, reliable, honest and trustworthy facility where all of our glamorous and beautifully presented girls are pre-vetted and personally interviewed by our highly experienced office team. We must ensure that our girls are the best of the best at providing the ultimate in everything our clients require, from pure fantasy to absolute secrecy. There is no compromise, the client must come first, excuse the pun.

For the sake of a couple of extra minutes of browsing time, would you not sooner have peace of mind, than be in a state of trepidation wondering what you are about to receive and more importantly when you will receive it?