Tips for a One Night Stand

Sure, it's a one night stand but there are definitely some guidelines that you need to follow not to creep the girl out, actually get laid and get the best out of the experience. Aside from guidelines, you need tips to get the most out of your experience right? Well luckily for you, all the one night stand guidelines and tips are right here for you to read!

Go to her place. There are several reasons for this. Not only do women tend to keep their homes nicer and cleaner, which is definitely beneficial to you when things happen unplanned, as you really don't want to bring a girl home for a one night stand with the chance of her seeing condom wrappers on the floor in your un-cleaned home, but it will make her feel much more comfortable about having a romp with a complete stranger. The best part? It gives you the option to get out of there whenever you want and she will never know where you live. Perfect, right?

Be safe. This one should go without saying. She doesn't know you, you don't know her, so it makes perfect sense that you use protection. Okay, so they're not your favourite things, but do you really want to take the risk of catching something? Always have one on you just in case and get checked on a regular basis. You just never know. You may not want to hear it but, wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?

Be adventurous! After all, you never have to see this woman again. There doesn't need to be any kind of emotion attached to a one night stand and to be quite frank, if there is, then it's simply not a one night stand. Leave the sensitivity at the door, drop your pants and go wild!

Once you're done, you put those pants back on and leave. There is no reason for cuddling, wine or dinner, it's a one night stand! Appreciate it for what it is and roll with it. Tell her thanks for a good time and get yourself outta there.